Swan Neck Coving Drop 90mm, Projection 120mm MPC085
Swan Neck Coving Drop 90mm, Projection 120mm MPC085
Swan Neck Coving Drop 90mm, Projection 120mm MPC085
Swan Neck Coving Drop 90mm, Projection 120mm MPC085
Drop: 90mm | Projection:120mm
The proportions of this Swan Neck coving are such that the projection across the ceiling 120mm is noticeably greater than the drop down the wall 90mm, this means the coving can look a lot more substantial as is comes further across the ceiling for a relatively small drop down the wall.
These proportions make this design very popular with customers who have low ceilings or a small amount of clearance over windows, this usually occurs when original ceilings have been over boarded rather than replaced.
This beauty of this coving is that it will look substantial and impressive, in settings where there is not very much room for the plaster cornice.
A slightly smaller size of swan neck coving is SPC070 and we also have larger sizes MPC065, LPC030, LPC017, LPC073 and LPC018

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