Large Acanthus Leaf Plaster Ceiling Rose 720mm dia. LPR003
Large Acanthus Leaf Plaster Ceiling Rose 720mm dia. LPR003
Large Acanthus Leaf Plaster Ceiling Rose 720mm dia. LPR003
Large Acanthus Leaf Plaster Ceiling Rose 720mm dia. LPR003
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Outer diameter 720mm | Diameter inner ring 140mm
This deep Victorian Acanthus leaf ceiling rose features large acanthus leaves with raised panels within an stylish outer border. It is ideal for large rooms with good ceiling heights, and is especially popular with customers replacing missing plaster work in Victorian properties. There is also a smaller 500mm size available (MPR004) in the same design.
If this design is not what you're looking for then this link will take you back to our full range of ceiling roses .
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